Australian Constitution

Australian Constitution
Конституция Австралии (состоит из преамбулы, 8 разделов {chapters} и 128 статей {sections}; определяет структуру федерального парламента {Federal Parliament}, включающего королеву, сенат {Senate} и палату представителей {House of Representatives}; определяет отношения между федеральным правительством {Federal Government} и правительствами штатов {State government}, границы полномочий федерального парламента, структуру исполнительных органов, порядок судопроизводства и т. п.; полномочия, не зафиксированные в Конституции, возлагаются на правительства штатов; за время существования Конституции было внесено 8 поправок. Принята в 1901)

Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2014.

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  • Australian Constitution (Public Record Copy) Act 1990 — The Australian Constitution (Public Record Copy) Act 1990 was an Act of the British Parliament, passed in 1990. The purpose of the Act was to allow the Commonwealth of Australia to retain the copy of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act …   Wikipedia

  • Section 51(xi) of the Australian Constitution — is the subsection of Section 51 of the Australian Constitution granting the Commonwealth the power to make laws on census and statistics .Historical Context to the inclusion of the Census PowerThe first version of the Constitution included a… …   Wikipedia

  • Section 51 of the Australian Constitution — grants legislative powers to the Australian (Commonwealth) Parliament. When the six Australian colonies joined together in Federation in 1901, they became the original States and ceded some of their powers to the new Commonwealth Parliament.… …   Wikipedia

  • Chapter VIII of the Australian Constitution — is the chapter of the Constitution of Australia which provides the method for altering the Constitution. It contains only one section, section 128, which sets out the requirements for constitutional referendums by which the words of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Section 44 of the Australian Constitution — is a section of the Constitution of Australia that deals with restrictions on who may become a candidate for election to the Parliament of Australia. Most significantly, section 44(i) asserts that any person under any acknowledgement of… …   Wikipedia

  • Section 51(vi) of the Australian Constitution — Section 51(vi) of the Australian Constitution, commonly called the defence power, is a subsection of Section 51 of the Australian Constitution that gives the Commonwealth Parliament the right to legislate with respect to the naval and military… …   Wikipedia

  • Section 51(xxxvii) of the Australian Constitution — permits the Commonwealth to legislate on matters referred to the Commonwealth by any state. As Australia is a federation, both states and the Commonwealth have legislative power, and the Australian constitution limits Commonwealth power (see… …   Wikipedia

  • Section 51(xii) of the Australian Constitution — is a subsection of Section 51 of the Australian Constitution that gives the Commonwealth Parliament the right to legislate with respect to “currency, coinage, and legal tender.”Generally, powers in section 51 of the Australian Constitution can… …   Wikipedia

  • Section 51(v) of the Australian Constitution — Section 51(v) of the Australian Constitution, or ‘the communications power’, is a subsection of Section 51 of the Australian Constitution that gives the Commonwealth Parliament of Australia power to legislate on Postal, telegraphic, telephonic,… …   Wikipedia

  • Section 51(xxvi) of the Australian Constitution — Section 51(xxvi) of the Australian Constitution, commonly called the race power , is the subsection of Section 51 of the Australian Constitution granting the Australian commonwealth power to make special laws for people of any race.As initially… …   Wikipedia

  • Section 51(i) of the Australian Constitution — Section 51(i) is a subsecton of Section 51 of the Australian Constitution enables the Commonwealth Government of Australia both to regulate and to participate in trade and commerce with other countries and among the States. The potential reach of …   Wikipedia

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